What Did LIGO Detect Being Gravitational Waves or Noises?
Published: 2022-05-27
Page: 107-120
Issue: 2022 - Volume 4 [Issue 1]
Mei Xiaochun *
Department of Theoretical Physics and Pure Mathematics, Institute of Innovative Physics in Fuzhou, China.
Huang Zhixun
School of Information Engineering, Communication University of China, Beijing, China.
Hu Suhui
Institute of Micro-System and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China.
Yuan Canlun
Department of Foundational Physics, Institute of Innovative Physics in Fuzhou, China.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This paper reveals that LIGO’s (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) so-called gravitational wave discoveries are all fictions. What LIGO detected were actually noises not gravitational waves. These noises abundantly appeared in LIGO’s laser interferometers. LIGO had previously calculated a large number of theoretical waveform of gravitational waves according to numerical relativity method and stored them in a database. Then LIGO’s team elected several noises which satisfied the time correlation conditions and were similar to the theoretical waveform in the database, modifying and packaging them, announced the discovery of gravitational waves. In fact, no any astronomical or astrophysical event was founded which was related to the corresponding gravitational wave bursts. LIGO’s team also used band-pass and band-stop filters to process the theoretically calculated gravitational wave forms, resulting in severe distortions. Such processed curves were no longer to represent the gravitational waves predicted by general relativity. It was meaningless to compare them with so-called observed data. In addition, according to the theoretical calculation of general relativity, the process of two black holes merging and producing gravitational waves lasted more than three seconds. However, the observed data from LIGO experiment was consistent with the theoretical waveform only in the time window of 0.1 ~ 0.13 seconds. In LIGO's publications and communications to the scientific community and the social public, these issues were never mentioned. LIGO's so-called gravitational wave discovery was essentially a computer simulation and graphics-matching game that had nothing to do with actual astronomical and astrophysical processes.
Keywords: LIGO, gravitational wave detection, general relativity, numerical relativity, black hole collisions, computer simulations and image matching, band-pass and band-stop filters
How to Cite
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